The TMF Program Management Office (PMO), part of the General Services Administration (GSA), is here to support your team through the entire TMF application and review process. Our goal is to help smoothly transition project proposals from phase to phase and provide assistance wherever necessary. Our team works with agencies to build strong business cases from both a modernization and financial standpoint.

Interested in feedback on a project before you submit your proposal? Our Expression of Interest form is the best way to informally share your early phase ideas on projects with our team for feedback.

Our services

We’re a full-service office, made up of financial, technical, and acquisition strategy experts, available to assist your team at any point with:

  • Initial project selection and prioritization. Multiple projects to choose from? We are here to help align your agency needs with Board goals.
  • Strategic project planning. With our expertise and knowledge of the Board’s priorities and decision making process, we can help you agency design and draft proposals that align to the goals of the TMF and support the agency’s mission.
  • Proposal development and review. Preparing to submit your project to the TMF Board? We’re happy to provide feedback on how to build a strong proposal document. This includes value proposition, repayment plan reviews, acquisition strategies, and practice presentations.
  • Ongoing project support and oversight. Whether you are rethinking your acquisition strategy, working on your repayment model, or seeking technical advice, our diverse team will work to support your agency’s projects from all angles to set you up for success!

When can your team use these services?

Anytime. Our job is to ensure that high-quality projects with the strongest likelihood to succeed make it into and through the TMF funding pipeline, and we can only do that if you work with us to ensure that your project proposals are the best they can possibly be. Email the TMF PMO to or fill out the Expression of Interest form to get started!