We drive modernization in federal IT that better serves agencies and the American public.

At the TMF, we invest in the most promising cybersecurity, data protection, interoperability, legacy system upgrade, and digital experience projects. We help implement information technology (IT) solutions across the government that improve agency processes and systems, use taxpayer dollars more efficiently, and deliver simple, seamless, and secure experiences to the American public. We offer:

Incremental funding Technical expertise Board oversight
We review projects quarterly and distribute funding as teams complete pre-determined milestones. Our experts advise project teams in areas like acquisitions, cybersecurity, design, and engineering. Our Board of interdisciplinary executives carefully evaluates projects, ensuring they are best positioned for success from proposal phase to completion.

Get to know our funding process

Ready to get the process started? Tell us about your project idea

The impact of our investments is diverse and far-reaching.
A graphic showing U.S. Department of Labor investment impact. Also links to U.S. Department of Labor case study page. "A graphic showing U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection investment impact. Also links to U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection case study page."
A graphic showing National Archives and Records Administration investment impact. Also links to National Archives and Records Administration investment information. "A graphic showing U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management investment impact. Also links to U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management investment information. "

Check out our other investments

$1 billion + invested in 63 projects across 34 federal agencies
52 investments made with American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding
ARP investments by priority areas
81% 83% 65% 54%
Modernize high-priority systems Address cybersecurity needs Improve public-facing digital services Support cross-government collaboration and scalable services

Learn more about ARP funding

Agencies we've invested in
A graphic showing agencies that TMF invested in.